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Meet Tzippy

 Certified Parent Coach

I am a PCI Certified Parent Coach®, the only parent coach in Israel certified by Parent Coaching International, the original and premier parent coaching program in the world. Originally from Baltimore, MD, I moved to Israel with my family in 2016 and settled in Ramat Beit Shemesh.  I have Masters’ in Education and in Speech-Language Pathology, and have taught a variety of Judaic subjects in middle schools and high schools, Women’s Institute for Torah in Baltimore, MD, and in classes in my neighborhood in RBS.  Additionally, I worked as a speech-language pathologist for Baltimore Public Schools, and for many years was a member of a multi-disciplinary team, where we consulted with and coached parents and teachers to help children with speech, language, sensory, learning, and emotional needs in the classroom and home setting. All my experience in learning and teaching, working with children with many different strengths and needs, and mostly, raising my own beautiful family of 6 children, led me to this passion of working with parents.  I realized more and more that the key to successful parenting is the parent!

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